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What Can Salt Therapy Do For Me?

What Are The Benefits Of Salt Therapy? Spas globally have taken wellness to a whole other level; and that level is salt therapy. Salt therapy, otherwise known as “Halotherapy”, is similar to spending a day

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Can I Bring My Kids For Halotherapy?

Children And Halotherapy With spring fast approaching, what comes to mind first? Is it the April showers or maybe the May flowers? The birds chirping as you stroll through the park perhaps. Those who suffer

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Halotherapy and Airborne Illnesses

Halotherapy and Common Airborne Illnesses It’s approximated that about 300 million people suffer from some type of airborne illness annually. These illnesses spread through microparticles dispersed into the air. Infected patients can spread contagions as

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5 Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress

Salt Therapy is One of the Healthiest Ways to Deal with Stress What Is Stress? “Stressed out” seems to be a very commonly used phrase today. A phrase so frequently thrown around, but what exactly

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History of Salt Therapy

History Of Halotherapy Salt therapy has become more and more popular as the years go on. The practice originated in the salt mines and caves all around Eastern Europe. As the workers chiseled away in

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Cystic Fibrosis and Salt Therapy

How Salt Therapy Can Help with Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis is a hereditary condition (it tends to run in families) that affects the patient’s ability to produce mucus. This genetic disorder interferes with the cells

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