Can Salt Therapy Help If You’re Allergic To Your Dog?

Managing Your Dog Allergies With Salt Therapy

Being a dog parent can be an exciting and fulfilling part of your life. After all, a dog is man’s best friend; well, unless you are allergic to yours. Sure, you love your dog, but you are a little worried about your allergies or that of your loved ones. Some allergists recommend that you go for non-fur pets such as fish or reptiles. But, unfortunately, this might not be what you want. So, how do you manage pet allergies when your exposure to your furry friend increases? Also, can salt therapy help?


What Are The Causes Of Dog Allergies?

Naturally, dogs secrete specific proteins which get to their saliva, urine, and dander (dog’s dead skin). You will experience an allergic reaction when your extra sensitive immune system reacts too harshly against your pet’s harmless secretions. Once you inhale these allergens, the immune system releases an inflammatory response in your lungs and nasal passage. Different furry animals produce various dander, so it is not a surprise to be more allergic to some furry buddies than others. If you prolong exposure to these allergens, you might develop chronic airway inflammation, primarily associated with asthma.

Once the proteins (allergens) make it to the pet’s skin, they collect on clothing, carpets, couch cushions, and walls. Any furry animal can cause these allergic reactions, but pet allergies are usually identified in dogs and cats. Note that your dog hair is not the actual allergen. Instead, it will hold the dander and dust, which cause allergic reactions. Even worse, the dander can survive in the air and on other surfaces for quite some time and will eventually get into your chest or eyes.


Common Symptoms Of Dog Allergies

Pet allergy symptoms can vary from mild to severe and will show up just a few days after the exposure. Here are some signs that indicate pet allergies:

  • Itching and swelling of the nose membranes and the area around your eyes
  • An itchy rash on your face, chest, or neck
  • A sudden redness on your skin, especially after coming into contact or being locked by your furry friend
  • Wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath approximately 15 to 30 minutes after exposure to the allergens
  • If you have an existing Asthma condition, your attacks might increase and become more severe


How Can Salt Therapy Help With Pet Allergies?

Also known as halotherapy, salt therapy is a natural treatment that will help you control and eventually eliminate allergic symptoms. It reduces the intensity and frequency of allergic reactions in the following ways:

Controls Inflammation In The Airways

Generally, salt therapy is done in a dry room with approximately 50% humidity. Being in such a dry room will make it easy for the salt particles to get to your respiratory surface, including the sinuses. Halotherapy will also cut down further migrations of these allergens, reducing the symptoms.

Absorbs Allergens And Irritants

As the salt particles travel further into your respiratory system, it absorbs the irritants lining your airway. This automatically lowers the inflammation levels reducing your symptoms.

Dissolves Mucus Plugs

During salt therapy, the salt particles break up the mucus plugs clogging your airways and sinuses. This allows fresh air to flow more freely, resulting in fewer night disturbances and enhancing your sleep quality.


Wrapping Up

Salt therapy or halotherapy has been in use since ancient days. Today, it is hailed for its therapeutic effects as a substitute for health medicine. There is no doubt that salt therapy is beneficial for people battling pet allergies. Even better, most clinical studies approve halotherapy as effective and safe.